Prime Header’s Documentation

Caution: This is verion 0 and rapidly developing. More tests are always being added, but expect breakages until version 1.

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Project Goals

This project has been developed to provide a reasonably complete set of mechanisms to get and use primes in C++ projects. Additional work has been and will be made to make it an exemplar of

  • Code documentation

  • Making documentation accessible in multiple forms

  • Packaging

  • Examples

  • Test suite

  • CI support

And anything else to make this project the best it can possibly be in hopes of making a reference and standard from which other project (mine at least) can copy from and be held to.


Particular documentation on components may be browsed in the Index.


Dependencies only need to be installed from one source. However, many systems provide them from multiple sources. Depending on your system, one source may be better than another.

System Only Dependencies:

  • ninja

  • G++>=12

  • Python>=3.7

  • Doxygen

  • doctest-dev

  • pkgconfig

Python Dependencies or System Dependencies

  • meson

  • sphinx

  • breathe

  • exhale

  • compile-time-printer

Install on Ubuntu, Debian, Pop_OS
sudo apt install ninja-build g++-12 doxygen python3 pkgconf doctest-dev
pip install -r docs/requirements.txt


meson setup build
meson test -C  build


meson setup build
meson install -C build

Details: At time of writing, the C++ Standards Committee has not approved P1929r0, which allows for some important components to be made constexpr. The only compiler tested to work with this is GCC 12. It is expected that the needed conponents will be made constexpr in C++23. This code requires a C++20 compiler which has also adopted an implementation conforming to P1929r0. The Python module compile-time-printer also requires GCC, further limiting compiler support. This situation will improve in the future.


Include and Use
#include <primes.hpp>

using madlib::primes;
using madlib::prime_generator;
Suggested Direct Use
void direct_use_example(){
  primes primes_object(5);

  primes_object.calculate_primes_through(static_cast<unsigned int>(11));

  cout << "Primes: "
  for(size_t idx = 0; primes_object.get_nth_prime(idx) < 5; ++idx){
    cout << primes_object.get_nth_prime(idx);
  cout << endl;

  for(size_t i = 0; i <= 5; ++i){
      cout << i << " is prime." << endl;
      cout << i << " is not prime." << endl;
Primes: 2 3 5 7 11
0 is not prime.
1 is not prime.
2 is prime.
3 is prime.
4 is not prime.
5 is prime.

Since primes don’t entirely act like a typical finite container like most C++ data structures, loops should be thought of in a more guarded way, as shown below.

Suggested Iterator Loop
void iterator_use_example(){
  primes primes_object(10);

  cout << "Primes: "
  for(auto itr = primes_object.begin(); distance(primes_object.begin(), itr) < 5; ++itr)
    cout << *itr << endl;
Primes: 2 3 5 7 11

Be careful, as this is actually an infinite loop unless guarded.

Typical Iterator Loop
void iterator_infinite_loop_example(){
  primes primes_object;

  cout << "Primes: ";
  int breaker = 0;
  for(auto itr = primes_object.begin(); itr != primes_object.end(); ++itr){
     << *itr << " ";

    if(breaker++ >= 5)
Primes: 2 3 5 7 11

Use wisely, this may overcalculate primes to the detriment of speed and memory usage.

Generator Pattern
void generator_example(){
  array<primes::value_type, 5> arr;

  generate(arr.begin(), arr.end(), prime_generator());

  cout << "Primes: "
  for(auto val : arr)
    cout << val << " ";
Primes: 2 3 5 7 11

Work needed for this project

This project has not reached version 1. It needs significant work in order to reach this mile stone. The following are general topics in need of work. For more details, Needed Work.